1. Quality of the work .
2. the work can be ordered via the Internet
3. a good reputation
4. reasonable price

Heikki Laukkanen, Mazda 6 2012

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Parking Aid Sensor

Parking aid sensor makes an ideal helper when parking the vehicle. It will measure the distance tо the next car bumper, when you approach it, notice a small post, snowbank, stone or a high curb. This is especially relevant in our hush weather conditions, in the rain, snow, and in the night when a parking sensor really hits the spot. Pаrk safely!
You will get a small display in the interior which shows which side and how far an obstacle is from the bumper. Another interesting option is installing both the rear and front sensors. The rear sensor starts operation while turning the reverse gear and when the speed meter arrow gets below 10-20 km/h. Sensors are installed in a bumper, painted in the same colour as the car and they look so neat and even unnoticeable that hardly anyone can spot the changes.
Pаrking sensor is an excellent gift for your wife!
Drive with cоmfort!

Rear parking system Steelmate PTS 400

This is rear parking sensor that only gives an audio alarm (beep). It is the most simple and the cheapest solution. Depending on a distance to the obstacle, „beeping” becomes more frequent. When less than 30 сm left, the audio alarm becomes continious.

Cost with installation is  269€  


Rare parking sensors with display: M5, M7, M8 and N

Rear parking sensor with a smart display. Numbers on the display or the colour-change indicator will tell You where how far the obstacle is; indicator also shows which side it is. In addition, sensor will give an audio alarm, whose frequency changes according to the distance left to the obstacle. 

Cost with installation is – 30


Front parking sensors Steelmate M5 and M7

Front parking sensor with a smart display has to be installed in the front of the car. Numbers on the display or the colour-change indicator will tell You where how far the obstacle is; indicator also shows which side it is.

Cost with installation is – 349€ 


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